January 11th, 2009 |
by admin |
published in
I was doing some assessment of traffic sources for one of my sites in my google analytics account, and noticed that since September 2008, I’ve been getting a steady increase in traffic from MSN search engine. I wondered what I’d done to deserve my increase in ranking in the MSN search engine. I had not […]
December 9th, 2008 |
by admin |
published in
Internet, SEO
virtual for I’m just doing an experiment to test an SEO theory, and I’m using the phrase “virtual For” in my test. virtual for My research has indicated to me that a suprisingly large number of folks search the term virtual for but it occurred to me that I have no idea what they would […]
November 30th, 2008 |
by admin |
published in
Internet, SEO
I stumbled across one of the coolest tools to research a website’s competition. The product is called “Navigator” by TouchGraph. It’s a tool that I’ve incorporated as a staple in my SEO research toolbag. One of the very critical parts of forming a decent SEO plan for a website is to do research on the […]
September 10th, 2007 |
by admin |
published in
Snitz Forum SEO. I have done extensive work to my installation of snitz forums to improve the ranking of the forum pages in the search engines. I figured that since relatively little work has been done in this area, I’d take everyone through a very high level of what I’ve done. You’ll need a significant […]