April 12th, 2009 |
by admin |
published in
Internet, Internet Marketing, SEO
Can I place adsense for search units on a 404 not found page? Can I place adsense text ad units on that same 404 not found page? This is a group of questions that comes up a great deal. There are also a lot of mixed answers out there. If you have a plain, uncustomized […]
August 31st, 2008 |
by admin |
published in
I recently read a slashdot article about a recent google experiment about how they are testing the ability for users to move up, or down, a given result. This article prompted discussion about how google could never the users preferences into their algorithm like that, due to spammers that would abuse it by paying people […]
September 10th, 2007 |
by admin |
published in
Snitz Forum SEO. I have done extensive work to my installation of snitz forums to improve the ranking of the forum pages in the search engines. I figured that since relatively little work has been done in this area, I’d take everyone through a very high level of what I’ve done. You’ll need a significant […]