December 19th, 2008 |
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Ideagora Knowledge – Forget Business Books, Try Greek History Today’s businesses are turning to ideagoras for knowlegde and intellectual property more and more. Ideagoras are virtual marketplaces for sourcing knowledge, ideas, innovation, and intellectual property from freelance knowledge workers from the world over. Amazingly enough, this groundbreaking business paradigm comes from aincent Greece, where the […]
December 19th, 2008 |
by admin |
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Companies using Ideagoras Many of the companies using ideagoras for thier R&D are already well-known for the quality and accomplishments of their internal R&D department. More and more though, they are realising that in order to stay competitive in today’s internet-enabled business world, that companies using ideagoras have the advantage of fresh eyes and and […]
December 19th, 2008 |
by admin |
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Colgate uses Ideagoras It probably comes as no suprise that a leading consumer-products corporation, Colgate, uses ideagoras to solve some of the problems it encounters with it’s new products. The story, as outlined in the ground-breaking ideagora piece in Business Week called “A Marketplace for the Minds”, mentions Colgate and a problem they had with […]
December 19th, 2008 |
by admin |
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Internet, technology
Today, there are a variety of ideagora companies just waiting to fill the R&D need and to solve the problems of today’s corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies. yet2,com is one of the oldest ideagora companies, and has been on the web since the dot com boom. Today, a variety of corporations use yet2 to […]
December 19th, 2008 |
by admin |
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Effect of Ideagoras on Internal R&D Since ideagoras have become a virtually limitless source for R&D, some companies have been able to reduce their budget for internal R&D employees. In essence, the effect of ideagoras on internal R&D has equalled the same amount of spending, but with that budget split between internal R&D operations and […]
December 19th, 2008 |
by admin |
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Using Ideagoras to Monetize Intellectual Property. The internet has broken down many of the physical barriers that have prevented companies from monetizing and capitalizing on some of their knowledge assets. Search costs, administration costs, time, distance, and finding a market for the assets were at one time major barriers. Smart companies have been using ideagoras […]
December 19th, 2008 |
by admin |
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Ideagoras for Matching Knowledge Workers with Unique Problems It has been said that chance favors the prepared mind. Ideagoras have helped to take the chance out of the equation. Think about it. Every single person in the world has a unique set of knowledge and experience, and each task, job, function, problem, or project in […]
December 19th, 2008 |
by admin |
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Uses for Ideagoras There are numerous different uses of ideagoras in the knowledge markets of today. One of the most beneficial uses for ideagoras is their use as a conduit for skilled knowledge workers to seek work that best fits their specific and unique skills. (job hunting) Another one of the more common uses for […]
December 19th, 2008 |
by admin |
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The definition of ideagora, has beed popularized by Tapscott and William’s book Wikinomics in 2006. An Ideagora is a mass knowledge based marketplace for intellectual-based property and knowledge products and services. is an example of an ideagora. Ideagora Ideagora is a new term, coined by Williams and Tapscott (2006) in their book wikinomics, […]
August 26th, 2008 |
by admin |
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As my issues with 1and1 continue, I noticed an interesting phenomenon. The errors and problems I was encountering were not solved or explained by their FAQ/Help pages, and in most cases, no help even existed. What I did notice though, was that I could google my issue and there were literally hundreds of results from […]