Ideagora Knowledge – Forget Business Books, Try Greek History
December 19th, 2008 | Published in Internet
Ideagora Knowledge – Forget Business Books, Try Greek History
Today’s businesses are turning to ideagoras for knowlegde and intellectual property more and more. Ideagoras are virtual marketplaces for sourcing knowledge, ideas, innovation, and intellectual property from freelance knowledge workers from the world over. Amazingly enough, this groundbreaking business paradigm comes from aincent Greece, where the agora was a public open space for assemblies of business and people.
The idea is that big business (and small business) does not have the time nor the resources to go out and seek knowledge expertise from around the world manually. Knowledge workers are also limited (generally) to the geographic area in which they reside when hunting for the next challenging project or job. Ideagoras operate like an eBay marketplace in that they unite buyers and sellers from all over the world who would not normally have the opportunity to make an exchange.
Ideagora knowledge acquisition is easy as today’s ideagoras become a pool of thousands of companies and millions of ideas, and uniquely qualified knowledge workers. This creates a virtual ideagora knowledge marketplace where both problem solvers and solution seekers come together.
Webmaster Ideagoras is like an ideagora.